wikipedia describes it as an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island.
some people say it's a paradise; for some it's the most beautiful island; still others say it's simply relaxing, an ideal place to unwind.
me? i say.. "i found my happy place". :)
you see, bali has always been in my must-go-to-places list, so despite the uncertainty on where i'd be during the travel date (we booked our flight almost a year ago), i did not hesitate to go for the trip. hello?! this is bali we're talking about.
you see, bali has always been in my must-go-to-places list, so despite the uncertainty on where i'd be during the travel date (we booked our flight almost a year ago), i did not hesitate to go for the trip. hello?! this is bali we're talking about.
and during our 5-day stay there, you would have expected me to atleast learn something balinese - history, culture, food, people, whatnot. hmmm.. bali is wonderful. period. hehe! because apart from the bits and pieces i picked from reading the book EAT, PRAY, LOVE, i cannot share with you much facts about the place. i'd leave it to google to do that. what i can tell you though are some of the reasons why bali is, well, as i've said, wonderful...
eating lunch with a bunch of stitch-es (read: alien-speaking, chinky-eyed creatures) is bearable, but spending 7 days with them? it's total torture! haha! well, that's what other people would say, but not me. i have grown used to being surrounded by them that it didn't bother me a wee bit that i'm going to spend one of my dream trips with them. despite being the "lilo"of the trip, i was never left out. on the contrary, i got special attention from them; so special that they always gave me more rice and noticed how i don't eat my veggies and never finished my drinks. ha ha!
we each had our own reasons for looking forward to this trip, but our common denominator? - WE ALL NEEDED A BREAK.

chin yuen and mei kee a.k.a the couple
~ what better place to spend quality time together than bali? they're one of the nicest couple i know and they certainly deserve such time off. i hope though that the sudden change in room arrangements didn't spoil their QT. they still had chance to make kuchi-kuchi, anyway. ha ha!
chen siang a.k.a aw aw slash photographer slash genuine authorized dealer slash loser
~ it's his second time in bali but he didn't mind going to almost the same places he's been to, he just wanted to take more photos. and take photos, he did. he also brought a book for him to read but i think he was only able to read (more or less) 10 pages because he was busy losing in our game of cards. LOL.
kian ming a.k.a THE photographer
~ the best thing about having a good photographer like kian ming around is that you don't have to worry about not having a decent shot of yourself, the food you eat, or the beauty and madness that surrounds you. he took a shot of almost everything there is and if you ask me to describe his work, i would simply put it this way: "kian ming captured the best of bali". see for yourself, visit

CK a.k.a camwhore slash party animal
~ ck also loved taking pictures... of himself. hehehe! he's ready to strike a pose for you when and how you want him to. he's a certified camwhore who was also eager to have a taste of the balinese night life. ck lead us to the dance floor where we each saw a different side of one another, and thus brings me to my next point on why i like bali...
and by wild i just mean doing something we don't often see each other do like dancing ~ CRAZY-WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD-SO WHAT, WE'RE IN BALI-NOBODY KNOWS US kind of dancing. who would have thought that a somewhat serious guy like aw aw has got moves that could make you lose your respect on him? ha ha! i'm kidding about the losing your respect part but he sure can dance and so does kian ming and ck - they were stitch-es on the loose. :D
by wild, i also mean experimenting on vices, JUST.FOR.FUN.
when you go to bali, you shouldn't miss out on the beach. it's the perfect place for flaunting, boy/girl watching (or hunting.. haha!), and of course, water sports.
i have always loved sunsets. it is for me, the best rhythm of nature. so what better place to capture such high than in bali, right?
after having kept this post in draft for a very long time, i honestly don't know how to end it or whether there's something else i have not put into writing. but just to get it over and done with, i'd just say, i don't mind going to bali again.