30 excruciating minutes m0re t0 g0.
f0r m0st 0f the entire time here in 0ffice, i've d0ne n0thing but stare blankly at my computer screen, check out the time every n0w and then, and silently wish i was in my bedr0om curled up under the c0vers or watching HIMYM.
despite the fact that i have t0ns t0 d0, i just d0n't have the m0od t0 w0rk right n0w. f0r whatever reas0ns. i pr0mised myself that i'd w0rk 0n th0se stuff t0m0rr0w. h0pefully.
the 0ffice is just t0o quiet. m0st pe0ple, including b0sses (*luckily*) are still on their CNY leave. there's n0 0ne t0 talk t0, n0thing t0 distract myself with, n0t even any0ne ann0ying t0 snap at. darn.
it's a g0od thing that i can still access bl0gsp0t here in 0ffice thus all0wing me t0 share with y0u, my readers (if there are any), the highlight 0f my supp0sed t0 be w0rking day.
i cried.
f0r the nth time since he and me started then ended then started then ended then started.. (h0w many cycles was that?) then finally, truly ended, i walked with my head d0wn t0wards the t0ilet t0 let 0ut that muffled cry i've been struggling t0 c0ntr0l but t0 n0 avail.
i l0ck myself in 0ne 0f the cubicles that has apparently turned 0ut t0 be my refuge lately and just let th0se tears fall.
P A T H E T I C.
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