last friday, i had lunch with a bunch 0f male ALIENS - yes, even th0ugh i was the 0nly female in the gr0up and the 0nly n0n-chinese speaking as well, i still refuse t0 be branded as THE ALIEN. haha!
i kn0w s0me pe0ple w0nder why i hang 0ut with them. s0me might even think i'm trying hard t0 fit in 0r squeeze myself where i d0n't bel0ng. 0r why can't i just stick t0 my 0wn cr0wd. etc, etc.
t0 be quite h0nest, i d0 w0rry ab0ut what pe0ple think 0f me. but then again, n0 matter what i d0, pe0ple will always have an opini0n ab0ut it. s0 i'm thinking, why d0n't i just let them d0 the thinking and the talking and let myself just be ME, right? right.
and y0ur next questi0n w0uld be, "where's the fun in all that when y0u can't even take part in m0st 0f the c0nversati0n, much less understand them?" actually, that's the fun right there - n0t having t0 talk much, n0t kn0wing, n0t understanding.. that way y0u get t0 just sit there and listen and 0bserve and make up c0nversati0ns in y0ur mind the way y0u want them t0 be.
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