1. t0 gr0w it l0ng en0ugh t0 make pe0ple believe that i'm actually a girl.. ha ha!
2. t0 have a reas0n t0 wake up early every m0rning
3. t0 have such thing as "bad hair days" (which happens m0st 0f the time if i d0n't d0 #2)
4. t0 have s0mething t0 talk ab0ut with friends
5. t0 add t0 my expenses *d0ink!*
6. t0 have means 0f expressing ï'm pissed", ï'm depressed", ï'm happy" 0r simply b0red
and m0st imp0rtantly,
7. t0 remind me that there's h0pe in [alm0st] everything; that things can get better.. bc0z n0 matter h0w sh0rt y0u cut it 0r h0w badly a new hairstyle turns 0ut, it will still gr0w
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