i don't have any work to think about nor do i have any important thoughts to ponder on. i have free time.
i'm supposed to finish my blog about bali but for the longest time now, that post has been in draft stage as i don't have any idea what to write next.
what i do have now though, are some random truths about me, that (for whatever reason), i seem not to mind sharing.
i love to read. i used to like those mushy romantic novels but now i can go for any genre as long as i know it's worth spending my money and time on. i love to read but lately i've been quite lazy to do so, much less scout for new, interesting books. booo!
i'm a lyrics person and i find it weird how some people can just listen to songs without really understanding what they mean. peyton sawyer once said that she believes things will find you when you need them to find you. and for her it's usually song lyrics. same goes for me.
i am vain but i have tons of insecurities. should there be a but there? or is it because i'm vain that i have insecurities? whatever. i am vain and i have insecurities.
i am very particular about bathrooms. i am ok to sleep in a not so nice room as long as the bathroom passes my "standards".
i find it hard saying NO.
i got drunk-wasted once and i swore never to do that again.
i am flattered knowing there's quite a few people who actually reads my blog. thank you! :)
peas, beans, and gelatin are few of the things i don't eat.
when i am mad, i keep quiet most of the time. if you're the reason why i'm pissed, i expect you to figure out why without me telling you.
i like guys whom i can have fun and intelligent conversations with.
watching a movie alone and travelling alone are things i have yet to do.
i have the tendency to rush into things.
the cliche "what you don't know won't hurt you" isn't something that actually works for me.i always want to know. i ask questions with obvious answers and i won't be satisfied until i get it from the person i want to hear it from. getting the answers does not guarantee i'd shut up already, i could ask again.
i am bold enough to ask somebody i like, out. ha ha!
i am nervous about starting over in a new company.
i am not as smart as people think i am. really.
i get too attached to people, places, and things.
i have made stupid decisions and spontaneous mistakes.
i once was the "other woman". i know how it feels to wait for one's available time; how to suppress my demands because i wasn't sure if i had any right to; how to be denied; how to always be an option but never the choice; and i certainly know what fleeting means.
i am still redeeming myself after i have sunk so low in my life.
i've been smiling silly quite often, lately.
there's a number of reasons why i should be happy but i can't seem to allow myself to drown in such euphoria just yet. because truth is, i feel like someone's going to burst my bubble any minute now.
i am ready to start on a blank slate now, are you?
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