there are tons of things i'd like to write about, so many things that i don't even know what to write first. ha ha!
i browsed my old posts in facebook hoping to get some idea on how to put down in writing every nagging thought i have, but instead i found myself LMAO at some of the things i wrote before. deng. i am emo. hahaha!
i wasn't inspired by any of those notes but i did find some stuff worth re-posting.. :)
1. Ang arte mo!
:: pr0ud 0f it, dear
2. Mas matalino naman ako sayo.
:: oooh.. eh bakit nandyan ka lang at nandit0 ak0???
3. Crush ako ng ex mo.
:: ex is the operative word.. s0, keber.
4. Am bobo mo pala sa History!
:: wh0 cares? i can predict the future.. and guess what? y0u're n0t there.. ha!
5. Bilisan mo naman!
:: eh kung bagalan m0 kaya n0h
6.Ang sungit mo!
:: *silence* taas lang ng kilay
7. Gusto mo ng away?
:: actually, kahit sa mga aawayin eh may taste ak0.. t0o bad, kahit sa ganun level di ka pasad0..
8. Takot ka ata sakin eh?
:: eh hija, tumingin ka na ba sa salamin recently? cn0 ba naman di matatak0t sa ganyang itsura..
9. Mas mahal niya ko!
:: pansin k0 nga.. di nya nga k0 magawang layuan eh.. :P
10. Ambababa naman ng grades mo!
:: ang baba naman ng standards ng sch0ol m0
1. Crush kita.
:: crush lang? ch0z! mahal m0 k0 eh
2.Di kita mahal.
3. Mahal na kita.
:: salamat naman at namulat ka na sa kat0t0hanan
4. Pakopya naman ng assignment.
:: kiss muna! haha!!!
5. Crush ko yung friend mo.
:: crush nya ung bestfriend m0.. bagay kay0.. pareh0 alang taste.
6. Pwede patabi sa upuan mo?
:: kand0ng na lang ak0 say0.. ahihihi
7. Cute mo magsmile.
:: cute din ak0 sumimang0t..
1. Umuwi ka ng maaga.
:: kelan??? hehe
2. Magaling ka pala sumayaw?
:: aha! huli ka! nag disc0 ka din?!
3. Hindi ka pwedeng pumasok sa klase.
:: ok.. penge pa din ng ba0n.. :)
4. Bawal ka maggirlfriend/boyfriend.
:: wushu! ala naman kay0 nagawa nung nagkar0on ak0 n bf eh..
5. Bakit ba mainit ulo mo?
:: nagtan0ng pa kay0. hmpf!
6. Bakit ngayon ka lang?
:: buti nga umuwi pa k0 eh.. ;p
7. Bakit ang baba ng grades mo?
:: mali kasi sag0t nung katabi k0.. pagalitan ny0 nga... sheesh
it's just like breaking the rules, sm0king, 0r even as simple as eating t0o much ch0c0late. y0u kn0w it's bad f0r y0u but then y0u d0 it again - g0 against the n0rm; light an0ther stick; crave f0r m0re sweets.
because s0meh0w, y0u kn0w that the c0nsequences are n0thing c0mpared t0 the sense 0f euph0ria that engulfs y0u with each (mis)adventure, each puff, each bite.
i kn0w because i'm 0n that very page n0w.
n0 matter h0w certain i am that my chances are s0 far 0ff and that this is actually g0ing n0where, i'm still here - n0t wanting t0 m0ve an inch. just stay here.
it's simple, really.
i'm happy. even f0r just a fleeting m0ment, I AM HAPPY.
s0 wh0 cares if it's wr0ng when it feels s0 right, right?
... i seri0usly think it isn't always necessary t0 be right. h0w d0 y0u kn0w what's right 0r wr0ng in the first place? just because s0mething d0esn't g0 with the n0rm means it's wr0ng. it may n0t be right f0r n0w, but wh0 kn0ws what it will be in time? i'm just saying..
...it's overrated. i swear. pe0ple w0rry t0o much ab0ut it - what will we d0? what will happen? what WILL..." sucks. all we d0 is plan, plan, plan.. and if things d0n't turn 0ut the way we planned, we get frustrated? s0 what's the p0int in all that? why can't everything be just sp0ntane0us.. sp0ntane0usly planned. HA HA!
... if it's b0und t0 happen, it will happen.
...i've said this bef0re and i'll say it again : life is g0od cause it gives us ch0ices. but then it c0mpels us t0 make 0ne. what and h0w we ch0ose is 0ne thing.. living up t0 our ch0ice is an0ther.
...n0things is.
...n0w, this, is relative.
ON WHAT's, HOW's, and WHY's
...it's funny h0w we ask such questi0ns even th0ugh we are well aware 0f the answers. even funnier is h0w we never run 0ut 0f such. after 0ne is answered, one after an0ther again arises. but here's the thing, it's always best to answer every WHAT, HOW, and WHY truthfully - with n0 sugarc0ating t0 s0ften the bl0w.
...n0 matter h0w c0nvincingly y0u think y0u exude the "i'm d0ing just fine" facade, traces 0f h0w y0u really feel will betray y0u.
...can't really say much. the 0nly kind i kn0w 0f is fleeting.
this n0te is inspired by diana marie.. hehe! thanks di f0r all0wing me t0 make my 0wn versi0n.. ;p
:: take time t0 get t0 kn0w her
:: spend h0urs talking t0 her.. ab0ut anything and everything... but m0st specially ab0ut th0ughts 0r feelings y0u d0n't n0rmally share with 0thers
:: make her laugh - fr0m flirty, demure giggles t0 laughing her ass 0ff kind 0f laugh
:: sh0w her the real y0u.. n0 pretensi0ns; n0 facades.. just y0u
:: fl0wers. yes.. fl0wers.. [all] girls are flattered when they get fl0wers, right girls?
:: she's a family pers0n and values friendship as well. it's imp0rtant f0r her that the pe0ple she care ab0ut get al0ng with each 0ther. get t0 kn0w her family and friends as well.
:: take her 0ut on dates. fancy 0nes are ok, 0fc0urse.. but she's fine with street f00ds, a game 0f billiards, arcade, mall h0pping, 0r m0vie dates.
:: watch sunsets with her
:: g0 star gazing
:: take her 0ut 0n r0ad trips... bring her s0mewhere far 0r settle f0r j0y rides
:: enj0y breathtaking views with her
:: write her n0tes
:: share her passi0n f0r music. listen with her. sing with her. sing f0r her.
:: all0w her t0 speak her mind when she wants t0 and keep her silence when she can't v0ice 0ut
:: read her bl0g. s0mtimes it's helpful t0 read between the lines.
:: d0n't ign0re her
:: listen t0 her whines
:: give her the time and attenti0n she s0 deserves
:: kn0w when her "n0" actually means "yes" and her "yes" means "n0" (ha ha!)
:: ask her t0 dance. yes.. the pr0m-sl0w-music kind 0f dance. she d0esn't care where just as l0ng as the music is right...
.... there. simple, right? the list c0uld g0 on and 0n.. but i'd leave it t0 y0u t0 figure it 0ut. c'm0n.. u still have t0 exert s0me eff0rt and must have y0ur 0wn way t0 w0o her.
n0w, let's g0 t0 the slightly harder part.
making me fall is 0ne thing.. making me stay inl0ve is an0ther.
:: make her feel secured
:: put up with her m0od swings
:: try new things with her
:: d0n't lie t0 her t0 make her feel better
:: as much as p0ssible, settle arguements with her bef0re the day ends
:: snuggle. laze ar0und and str0ke her hair.
:: kiss her 0n the f0rehead fr0m time t0 time... n0t in the way y0u kiss y0ur grandparents. hard t0 explain. y0u sh0uld kn0w.
:: let her h0ld y0ur hand and play with y0ur arm every chance she gets
:: y0u d0n't have t0 c0nstantly tell her y0u l0ve her. say it when y0u truly mean it.
:: respect her
:: d0n't make her jeal0us
:: just because 0ne act made her really happy means y0u can d0 it 0ver and 0ver again. twice 0r thrice is pr0bably ok, but always.. nah.. definitely n0t. c0nstantly find ways t0 surprise her.. even in the littlest 0f ways...
:: hug her fr0m behind
:: never ever take her f0r granted
:: call back when she hangs up.. run after her when she walks 0ut 0r DCs unexpectedly
:: when s0mething's wr0ng, d0n't expect her t0 blurt it 0ut. she expects y0u t0 figure 0ut what's b0thering her and n0t just keep 0n asking. if y0u're really clueless ab0ut it, just wait, she'll expl0de and tell y0u anyway. hehe.
:: when she says there's n0thing wr0ng but acts like there is, it's pr0bably YOU wh0's b0thering her. haha!
:: kn0w the difference between her usual silence and her "c0ld silence"
:: let her cry. d0n't walk away when she d0es specially when y0u're the reas0n f0r her tears. n0 matter h0w much she hates y0u at that m0ment, she wants y0u t0 still be there beside her
:: she's stubb0rn and can be very persistent when she badly wants s0mething.. bear with her while y0u can and exert eff0rt when y0u want the same thing she d0es. but if n0t, snap her back t0 reality and just tell her 0utright.
:: she's the type 0f pers0n wh0 never gives up easily.. she's willing t0 endure anything f0r as l0ng as she kn0ws it's w0rth it. but this d0esn't mean she'd be able t0 hang 0n f0rever.. keep in mind that pe0ple get tired.. eventually.
:: d0n't change. she fell f0r y0u f0r wh0ever 0r whatever y0u are at that time, try t0 keep it that way. if y0u can't help it, just make sure it's f0r the better.
:: all0w her t0 gr0w individually as a pers0n in the same way she'll give y0u time and space t0 gr0w individually as well.. and then gr0w t0gether.
is that t0o much t0 ask? hehe
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