RELATIONSHIPS, be it the long- or short-, term kind - PLATONIC, ROMANTIC, PSEUDO, and even the kind that EX-LOVERS have or anything that has to do with the connection existing between two (or more) people having dealings with each other, have at [more than] one point been a real pain in the ass.
it's during these times that you're torn between holding on or letting go, patching things up or calling it quits. you're confused about how you feel, what you think, and what you do. everything is in shades 0f grey. in fact, you are even baffled about your so-called status - what do we call " US " now?
kudos to the makers of friendster/facebook for providing us with the answer, the newest addition (but quickly gaining popularity) to our status options - IT'S COMPLICATED.
well, it is, isn't it?
sometimes no matter how hard we try to understand the what's, how's. and why's, we are still left perplexed. and more often than not, instead of getting answers to our questions, we are showered with more issues.
we strive to find our way through the haze keeping in mind that if we try hard enough, in the end, we'll see a "pot of gold" - answers, lucidity, and peace of mind.
but then again, our efforts could turn out to be a futile attempt to find gold in a pile of sh*t. and then you'd find yourself back to where you started; like some sort of deja vu or something. only, you've really been there before. you've really done that before. you've really said those things before.
such thing has become a recurring event in your relationships (or life, in general) that the only thing you could do when it hits you again is to let out an exasperated sigh. HAAY.
and then moments after, you try again. harder this time. you never give up until you're totally drained - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
i guess this just shows how much we value our relationships.
either that, or we really have the knack for complicating things.
maybe our constant quest of finding answers and understanding why things are the way they are, is what really causes the snag.
maybe we ought to see things at their face value.
a PLATONIC relationship is well.. platonic. hehe. you guys are friends - nothing more, nothing less.
a ROMANTIC relationship isn't always romantic. you should know that by now. but hey, nobody said it'll be a bed a of roses all the time, right? it'll be a hell of a roller coaster ride, and whether you make it together till the end of the ride or not, IT WILL BE WORTH IT.
PSEUDO relationships - the "parang kayo, PERO HINDI" kind. need i say more?
UNCONVENTIONAL relationships - the kind that is, most of the time, under the society's scrutiny just because it doesn't fall under the so-called norms but has, in one case or another, worked things out better than the "normal"ones.
THIRD PARTY - now that i think about it, there's really nothing complicated with this kind of set-up. there's just more than the allowed/necessary number of persons involved. and cowardice. and selfishness. and lies. and hurt. and anything else that screams "WRONG".
EX-LOVERS. well, EX is the operative word. 'nuff said. haha!
i am not saying that you take things nice and easy; that you not make any effort when things are messed up.
what i'm saying is that you should know when you are fixing things or when you're making things worse.
there will be times when you would feel that the entire universe is in conspiracy to make things hard for you. it's you against the world.
but then so what???
you should be flattered that world noticed you. hehe
go ahead, try to fix what you can, try to understand what you can. give it your best shot. but when all else fails...
and instead of thrashing about manipulating seemingly stubborn forces, why not just BE STILL and let things be?
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